Guava Fruit Benefits: Amazing Uses of Guava Leaves
Guava, a tropical fruit produced in Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia is usually eaten fresh or made into beverages, while its skin and leaf are used as medicine for treating various diseases. Most people think that guava is associated with a person getting cold and this may be true. Moreover, this fruits also has health benefits. Guava is used to treat dangerous health problems such as high blood pressure, diarrhoea, diabetes, cough and different types of cancer.
Well, how does guava do all of this? The answer to this question is that guava has a high source of vitamin C and fibers that act as antioxidants. These antioxidants have the tendency to reduce or stop harmful effects pertaining to oxidation. Guava leaves have life-saving chemical properties that make it best for treating various medical conditions. Eating one guava a day can keep you healthy.
Common Facts about Guava:
Guava is a fruit with medicinal properties and this helps in treating many health problems such as diarrhoea, blood pressure and so on. Here some facts about guava that you need to know.
- Guava usually grows to about 20 feet in height.
- Guava produces white flowers.
- Guava begins producing fruit for only 2 to 8 years after planting and produced fruits only twice a year.
- Guava contains 100 to 500 miniature seeds inside the middle of the fruit. However, there are some varieties that are seedless.
- Guava has a rich source of vitamin C, A and E.
- Guava is called the super fruit because it is said to contain four times more vitamin C than orange and three times more proteins and four times more fibre than pineapple. It is also said to have more potassium than a banana.
- Guava leaves are used as a black pigment in the textile industry
- Guava leaves are used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and fever.
- Guava fruit is used in the treatment of constipation, high blood sugar and other respiratory disorders.
- Guava plant lives for not less than 40 years.
- Guava is the best weight loss aid.
Nutritional Facts about Guava:
If pineapple is called the king of fruits, then guava is called the queen of fruits all because of its medical properties and capabilities. Guava was first sold in the market in Florida in 1847 and between 1948 and 1969, 21 cultivators of guava were introduced in Hawaii. One major threat to the growth of this fruit is that a sudden dip in temperature can cause guava trees to die, especially in northern California. Here are some nutritional facts you need to know about guavas.
- Guava contains 21% vitamin A that helps brighten up your skin and maintains mucus membranes.
- This fruit also contains 20% folate that works well for pregnant women and prevents neural tube damage.
- Lycopene, found in pink coloured guavas are good for protecting skin against ultraviolet rays (UV) and also prevents prostate cancer.
- Guavas have potassium more than bananas and this helps regulate high blood pressure.
Note: Guava has great medicinal benefits, but it must be consumed in the limit. Guava contains fructose, that may be harmful to your health if consumed in large quantities.
Types of Guavas:
Most guava trees have similar characteristics, while there are some that grow in colder climates grow to a maximum 12 feet. Other grown in warmer climates reach up to 20 feet. Guava plants must be well taken care of during winter. However, for all those fitness enthusiasts, guava can be the weight loss agent. Here is a list of the different types of guavas.
1. Pink and Red Varieties of Guavas:
These guavas are also called desert guavas and usually taste sweet and appear to be pink in colour. This breed of guavas is easily available in the market around you. This is often sold in Hong Kong and has a smooth texture with fewer seeds. This breed is considered as high quality.
2. White and Yellow Coloured Guavas:
This breed tastes typically acidic and mild with no fragrance. The inside layer appears to be pale white or yellow while the skin looks green when ripe. This variety may also turn pinkish when ripe.
Note: Though there are many different varieties in guavas, all of them are said to be a powerhouse of healthy nutrients.
Healthy Benefits of Guava:
Guava fruits are called the queen of all fruits because of its high level of medicinal values. Any 100 grams serving of guava fruit contains 68 calories and 8.92 grams of sugar. It is also rich in calcium and contains 18 grams of minerals for every 100 grams. This shows that the fruit has the capability to treat different diseases. However, in order for you to have more insight into the topic, let’s take a peek into the health benefits of guava.
1. Guava Boost your Immunity:
Guava is rich in vitamin C and is said to contain four times the content of vitamin C found in oranges. Vitamin C helps boost immunity levels that prepare your body to fight common infections and pathogens. Also, more vitamin C helps in good eyesight.
2. Reduces Your Risk of Developing Cancer:
Vitamin C, lycopene and other types of polyphenols act as antioxidants that help in neutralizing infections in the body that prevent the growth of cancerous cells. Guava fruit has shown to prevent prostate cancer and also prevents the growth of breast cancer cells.
3. Prevents Diabetes:
Guava has a high content of fiber and glycemic index that prevent the development of diabetes. Fibre content regulates blood sugar levels from spiking, while glycemic index also restricts your blood sugar to raise at a short.
Guava Leaves For Healthy Hair:
Hair fall is a result of unhealthy scalp. But if your facing problems with hair fall, then do not take western medicine when you can do try this simple thing at home. Guava leaves can stop hair fall and strengthen your scalp because of its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It is also being used to treat scalp related problems and dandruff.
It is also rich in vitamin B & C that helps in nourishing and aids in hair growth. So if you have a guava tree in your garden, then don’t pile up those leaves or burn it, instead make it a point to make a paste out of it and gently apply it on your scalp. This will fight hair fall and strengthen your scalp.
Benefits of Guava Leaves Tea
If green tea is considered healthy and ayurvedic, then guava leaf tea is even healthier and this can be consumed if you are having abdominal pain, watery stools etc. All you need to do is to add guava leaves to boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Then strain the water and allow it to cool for 5 minutes. Make sure it is at least lukewarm when you are consuming it. Also, this must be consumed on an empty stomach and you may find instant relief once you’ve followed the steps carefully.
Benefits of Guava Leaves:
We all depend on western medicine for simple problems like fever, cold, cough etc. But, don’t forget that guava leaves are very healthy too. If guava fruit is healthy, then its leaves are super healthy. Here are some of the benefits of guava leaves that you need to know.
- Helps in stopping diarrhea
- Reduced cholesterol levels
- Helps in losing weight
- Controls diabetes
- Fights cancer and prevents you from having any risk as such
- Helps in good vision
- Used for healing acne
- Helps in improving your skin texture
Note: Guava leaves can either be boiled in hot water and consumed or made tea using them. Either of these will benefit you in many ways.