Our highly experienced and well-versed specialists make the detailed analysis of the situation and provide the exact treatments to suit individual body capability.
Every married couple desires to have a child in their family. For want of a child there is always a disrupted atmosphere in that family. Some cheats posing as monks deceive many innocent persons. The reason for not having a child must be detected first. It is only possible when both wife and husband are thoroughly examined by an experienced physician. At the times men remarry, without knowing the fact that they themselves are the cause of their childlessness. So you are advised to safeguard your interest from deceiving persons and always consult a good, qualified and experienced physician.
If you think if proper, you may come to our Dawakhana get your self fully examined and derive some benefit from our experience. In case your are not in a position to contact us personally or you are living at a distant place, you can post us a letter giving the details of your suffering, we will definitely give you proper and sincere guidance.